Uses and Benefits

The way to use Ehvan Stones 

There is a time compilation of different uses that comes from experiments and personal experiences that are testimonies today.

The uses are endless and invites you to come up with your own different ways to enrich the experience. We would be thrilled for you to share your experience. Your testimony is very welcome.

Here are some ways of using Ehvan Stones.

Intention or not

You can choose to put your intention into an Ehvan Stones, but regardless, they will do what they do, balance, harmonize, neutralize and protect.

Your thoughts are powerful and can be directed as you please. Remember that Ehvan Stones are made of crystals and can amplify your intention and even make them allies based on the crystal qualities.

There is no limit, and they can be used as any crystal even though we feel an Ehvan Stones is extra powerful.   



We are constantly surrounded by emf radiation from all of the electronics around us, such as our home wifi, microwaves, cellphones, computers, electricity outlets and telecommunications antennas.

For that reason we need to use Ehvan Stones in different places, such as in our car and in our loves ones cars so we can have some protection from the 5G antennas that are now a visible part of our lives.

Place them in every room of your home especially close to electronic devices such as tv’s, computers, phones, wifi or on any table or nightstand.

Place one at your office or home desk.

Carry one in your purse, bag or children’s backpack.


Place Ehvan Stones on plants especially if you notice they are not doing good after you just brought them home or just to help them to do better.

Place them under your pillow for a restful sleep.

Dog or pets can benefit as well, put some close to them, but be careful not to allow them to be chew by a pet or a child.

Place one inside the refrigerator to keep your food fresher.

Pass over food or a dinner plate in a circular clockwise motion to harmonize it before is eaten.


Pass over an Ehvan Stones on top of a body energy center a couple of times in circular clockwise motion if balance is needed. 


Ehvan Stones are made to serve a purpose but are also made to beautify a space as well.



We hope you enjoy our Ehvan Stones.